Acoustic Pressure Wave Therapy

Acoustic pressure wave therapy is also known as extra-corporal shockwave therapy(ESWT), or shockwave therapy. It is a non-invasive, FDA cleared procedure used to reduce pain, increase mobility, and accelerate repair of damaged tissues. Our device is manufactured by Storz. They are the world’s largest manufacturer of lithotripsy devices. Lithotripsy is the procedure of using sound waves to break up kidney stones. Pressure wave therapy involves applying high energy sound waves to build up the affected tissue. The sound energy pulses create micro-cavitation bubbles that penetrate the tissue and stimulate cells in the body that are responsible for connective tissue repair.

Pressure wave therapy has been shown to promote new blood vessel formation (neoangiogenesis), reduce swelling and inflammation, stimulate collagen synthesis for soft tissue repair, induce bone repair, and recruit stem cells. It also can be used to mechanically release facial restrictions and contracted muscles to reduce the chemical mediators of pain and restore motion. For conditions involving restricted joint motion, tendonitis, or fasciitis, pressure wave therapy has become an indispensable treatment.

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“Now I can put my own socks on and walk normally! My wife and I even joined a gym!”

“Since 2010, I’ve had pain in my right hip including sciatic pain that radiated down my entire right side. This was from years of being an umpire and traveling. Last December, after officiating a basketball game, my pain was so intense my wife had to put my socks on.”

“My wife heard about Olympic Spine and Sports Therapy on the radio and encouraged me to give it a try. By the end of the first week, I felt better. I’ve been able to reduce my pain medication, which is huge. I’m able to work for longer periods of time, even squat to work with catchers. My wife is really excited that I listened to her suggestion to come to Olympic Spine and Sports Therapy.”

– Brian H., Everett

“We went to Disneyland; and every day, I was able to walk 20,000-25,000 steps a day!”

“Three months ago, I had given up on thinking that I could do the things I love. My body hurt, and I felt a lot older than I am. I wasn’t as active with my family. I even avoided walking my dog because of the pain in my feet and back. Today, I am on the road back to recovery and being more active. I’m participating with my family and friends more. We went to Disneyland; and every day, I was able to walk 20,000-25,000 steps a day! Not only are my feet and back better, my brain is better, too!”

– Sondra S., Lake Stevens

“It’s worth the money because my quality-of-life has dramatically improved!”

“I had pain, numbness, tingling, and burning in my feet, all day, every day. I’ve also dealt with hip and low back pain for many years. If I went to an event, I had to plan for time to stop and rest. When I went to the dragstrip, I could walk down the 1/4 mile, but had to get a ride back. Now I just walk as far as I want. Yesterday, I walked 4 1/2 miles. Now, my workouts are stronger, and I sleep better! I’m 65% better overall and still improving. I wasn’t willing to just let it get worse. It’s worth the money because my quality-of-life has dramatically improved!”

– Tom B., Mountlake Terrace

“I no longer experience any pain”

“I came to Olympic with lower back pain, nerve pain radiating down my leg, and significant muscle atrophy. My symptoms were so bad I couldn’t pick anything up or play with my kids. All my daily life activities were down to 5% of what I could normally do. The pain was debilitating to say the least. I had tried massage, stretching, exercise, icing and rest with only brief relief. Within a couple weeks of starting treatment, I felt better. I no longer experience any pain, can ski, spring out of bed, workout and pick up my kids. Best of all I can do all of these and no longer need to worry about what is going to happen to my back. The staff at Olympic listens to understand not just to respond. They present solutions and give tools to each patient unique to them to help them get better.”

– Doug K., Edmonds

“Within 2 weeks of treatment, I was back to normal sleeping!”

“I was experiencing low back pain that left me exhausted each day. I would only be able to sleep for an hour and a half at a time, I could not sit down without pain, and the pain throughout the day would drain my energy. One day I woke up with such bad low back pain, I thought I was having a heart attack. My low back pain radiated down my left leg it was like hot needles were stabbing and burning me. Within 2 weeks of treatment, I was back to normal sleeping! I would say that all my pain is better, and I am back to being able to walk, sit, and be more mobile. What is so special to me about the care here at Olympic was how fast it works! It saved me from getting surgery!”

– David H., Lynwood